The Effect of Applying Animation Movie on the Student’s Achievement In Writing Recount Paragraph

Fitri Ervina Tarigan


ABSTRACT - The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of applying animation movie on the students’ achievement in writing recount paragraph. This study was conducted at SMP Swasta Ali Imron Medan during academic year 2015/2016. The population of this study was the ninth grade student which consists of two classes. IX-1 consists of 30 students and IX-2 consists of 23 students. So, the total of population was 53 students. In this research all the population as the sample, so total technique sampling was the technique sampling in this study. This study was an experimental research. The sample was divided into two groups, IX-1 as an experimental group and IX-2 as control group. Experimental group was taught by applying animation movie and control group was taught without animation movie. The pre-test and post-test were administrated to both of the groups. The instrument used in this research was a written test. The data were analysed by using coefficient of product moment (r) and also by using t-test formula. Then the result show that tobserved (4.51) was higher than ttable (2.66) and robserved (0.98) was higher than rtable (0.367), the degree of freedom for 0.05 4.51>2.66 (tobserved>ttable) and 0.98>0.367(robeserved>rtable). The finding show the alternative hypothesis (Ha) of this study was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. So, the finding of the study indicated that there was a significant effect of applying animation movie on the students’ achievement in writing recount paragraph with the percentage of significance was 96%. It can be concluded that applying animation movie was the most significant than applying conventional media.
Keywords: Animation Movie, Students’ Achievement, Writing, Recount Paragraph


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