ISLAMIC EDUCATION PLANNING (Management Of Students In Medan Ikhsan MTs Nurul Year 2019)
This writing uses the kind of writing narrative with keperpustakaan study
and comparative study existing research results. The subject of this
discussion is kepalah school. Based on the study results, it can be
concluded that Management Implementation of Students at MTs Nurul
Ikhsan Medanhas been implemented by applying the eight steps in
management activities of learners is the analysis of the needs of learners,
recruitment of students, selection of students, grouping learners, oriantasi,
coaching and development of learners, recording and reporting, as well as
graduation and alumni. but there are some parts of the indicators in the
implementation of management students who are still not optimal
implementation. As in the selection of indicators learners where
MTsNurul Ikhsan do not carry out the selection of students who will go
on the MTs but only selection for the class division is attributable to the
lack of interest of students to enroll in MTsRaudhatul Ulum.
Full Text:
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