Gratification In Promotion In View Of The Law
Many cases of corruption by state officials are increasingly systematic and widespread, one
of which is the existence of gratification. Therefore, gratuity should have its own meaning in
the law if the definition or understanding of gratuity has not been included in the general
provisions, it will be very likely that there will be ambiguity in the interpretation of the
criminal act of gratuity. In Article 12 B Of The Corruption Eradication Act No. 20 of 2001
that a gift that is related to his position and contrary to his obligations or duties is
considered an act that has an indication of gratuity. Legal norms in this article raises the
ambiguity of the norm (Vague Norm), the juridical indication that someone has done the
crime of gratuity is not clear, because the definition of gratuity itself is not written in the
legislation so that Article 12 B still needs to be touched to be seen clearly.
Keywords: Legal, Law, Gratification
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